Royals 2008 Team Rankings and Speaker Score

4:14 PM / Comments (0) / by Unknown

Hi ya guys. It's been one week since we all met in IIUM, so I hope all of you have had a good time to relax. No matter what, I'm still glad you guys had made this far as to participate in such event and willing to speak up for your points. This is just a step forward into improving your communication skills, so do take the advantage and the opportunity to improve yourselves further.

On the matter of constructive criticisms, I believe that when you guys practise ought to train together as a team, not individually. If you're in a public speech contest, of course that would be applicable. However, in a debate competition, there's no one person but just one team. If the other person fails, so does the whole team. I hope all of you can remember on that.

I'm not gonna spend too long with this, but I do wish to make an announcement that the Speaker's Score and the Team Rankings are out. As I have mentioned in the past, please do join the malaysian_debaters yahoo group. Just click on the link to register into the malaysian_debaters yahoo group.

Take care you guys and enjoy the weekends. Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha. (",)